[NKS prod 80 - 2012]

01. Elements ogg mp3
02. Sea of Storms ogg mp3
03. Believe (feat. Rave Riot) ogg mp3
04. Atmospheres ogg mp3
05. Walls Inside Us (feat. Black saturn) ogg mp3
06. Through The Flames ogg mp3
07. Turmoil ogg mp3
08. Kuduro ogg mp3
09. Hardliner(feat. DØd Beverte) ogg mp3
10. Solitude ogg mp3

all ogg in 350kb / all mp3 in 320kb
download full archive in .zip
[ogg + full size front & back cover]

"Amazing evolution from electrogrind (Bassookah) to dub (Ohmega Dub Experience) for Kanza in Uithoorn, Netherlands.
The missing link is here : Cold Metal Future. Their second album contains cold synths & bass mixed with rough jungle to dub beats, sometimes metal guitars and cold hip hop vocals by Black Saturn on "Walls Inside Us".
More experimentations on sounds and beats here comparing to their first album. But you can find again their really original mixture of sounds, which probably sounds weird to most dnb afficionados, and this is what is good. You can find again too their inspiration from the Cold War and Near-East conflicts.
- Is the past our future ?
- Yes, you can prepare yourself for war !
- But I don't wanna die. I want peace on earth.
- Ok, then let's have a party first, do you want a beer ?"
Otto Psy [NKS International]